Reminiscing on a Project from 2020

Recently, I was thinking back on 2020 and how crazy it was. Despite all the bad things that happened that year, one good thing that happened to me was I spent a lot of time with walnut and oak wood making wood lock boxes. I made a number of helpful videos on how to make sleek wooden lock boxes with fancy brass hinges, a lock and key, and spline joints. Check out a few of the videos below. This is a great way to make extra cash and clients will love them!

Walnut and Oak Wooden Lock Box with Spline Joints

Watch and learn how to build a wooden box with brass quadrant hinges and a lock and key.
The first would be a prototype and the second would be the final piece. I gave the prototype away as a gift and then made a commission off of the second, more well refined box. If you haven’t see the videos in this series, see below. I have one overview video of how I did the prototype and then many additional videos on more specific parts of the box builds. Making boxes is a great way to make extra cash and these videos will show you how to make them so they stand out and are desirable to a host of clients! Enjoy.

Watch and learn how to build a wooden box with brass quadrant hinges and a lock and key.

What is continuous grain on a wooden box? How do you flatten a board using only a hand powered smoothing plane? Check out the entire video to get some tips and tricks on making a #continuousgrainbox and using a #no4smoothingplane.


Scroll Saws are Useful Tools, Let ME TELL YOU!


Wooden Store Sign Gives Small Town a New Feel