Couldn't Find a 10ft Long Piece of 3/4" Plywood, So I Made One Myself

Just this last holiday season, I found myself back in Montana working on another project for my sister’s store. This time, I built a 10ft long store front sign with plywood backing and walnut hard wood letters and embellishments.

Unfortunately, none of the local building supply stores in or around Helena and Elliston supplied 10 foot long 3/4” thick plywood, I decided to use a simple trick to make my own.

First, I purchased two pieces of 8 foot long 3/4” plywood from Home Depot. One piece I cut down to 3 feet and the other I left 8 feet long. With each boards, I measured 1 foot from the 4 foot wide edges and drew lines across where I would be doing continuous cuts with my circular saw, sort of like kerf cuts. After doing MANY of these cuts in the 4 square feet areas on both pieces, I had just created a sort of half lap cut or joint.

Then I simply glued the two pieces together utilizing the half lap joints. Watch the video below to get a better idea of how I did this!


Wooden Store Sign Gives Small Town a New Feel


Safety FIRST! Learning from a Dangerous Mistake on the Lathe // Broken Spindle